Emblem Vault + Matic = Fast NFTs

Emblem Vault
2 min readDec 3, 2020


What is Matic & Layer 2 ?

Matic is an EVM compatible blockchain network that operates along side Ethereum. Transactions on Matic are faster than Ethereum proper as well as less expensive. Matic is considered a “Layer-2 Network”

How does this apply to Emblem Vault ?

The ERC20 token $Coval is used to purchase Emblem Vaults. Until recently this happened exclusively on the Ethereum mainnet and testnet. With our integration of Matic, users can now swap their $Coval to the Matic network and use it to purchase and mint Emblem Vaults on the Matic network for extremely discounted gas fees. This addition of layer-2 technology helps make Emblem Vaults more accessible to everyone without having to pay exorbitant gas fees on the Ethereum network.

How do I interact with the Matic Network ?

Our Dapp is located at https://emblem.finance uses metamask to interact with the blockchain network of your choice. You can add the Matic network to your metamask by following this guide.

How do I transfer $Coval from Ethereum to Matic ?

We have 2 ways to transfer your $Coval between Matic & Ethereum.

The official Matic wallet offers a PoS Bridge that allows you to swap between networks. Stay tuned for an article with specific details on this.

Alternately you can visit: https://emblem.finance/swap to initiate a swap between networks. Each swap using our Dapp will include a small amount of Matic token (the network token required for gas fees on Matic) Essentially making the creation and transfer of Emblem Vaults on the Matic network completely free.



Emblem Vault
Emblem Vault

Written by Emblem Vault

Emblem Vault: Crosschain asset management redefined. Over 60k ETH volume, $100M+ vaulted, serving 17k+ owners. Unlocking the future of digital assets.

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