Emblem Vault + Matic = Fast NFTs
What is Matic & Layer 2 ?
Matic is an EVM compatible blockchain network that operates along side Ethereum. Transactions on Matic are faster than Ethereum proper as well as less expensive. Matic is considered a “Layer-2 Network”
How does this apply to Emblem Vault ?
The ERC20 token $Coval is used to purchase Emblem Vaults. Until recently this happened exclusively on the Ethereum mainnet and testnet. With our integration of Matic, users can now swap their $Coval to the Matic network and use it to purchase and mint Emblem Vaults on the Matic network for extremely discounted gas fees. This addition of layer-2 technology helps make Emblem Vaults more accessible to everyone without having to pay exorbitant gas fees on the Ethereum network.
How do I interact with the Matic Network ?
Our Dapp is located at https://emblem.finance uses metamask to interact with the blockchain network of your choice. You can add the Matic network to your metamask by following this guide.
How do I transfer $Coval from Ethereum to Matic ?
We have 2 ways to transfer your $Coval between Matic & Ethereum.
The official Matic wallet offers a PoS Bridge that allows you to swap between networks. Stay tuned for an article with specific details on this.
Alternately you can visit: https://emblem.finance/swap to initiate a swap between networks. Each swap using our Dapp will include a small amount of Matic token (the network token required for gas fees on Matic) Essentially making the creation and transfer of Emblem Vaults on the Matic network completely free.